The history of Vamos.
- December 2000
- First experimental physical modeling programs are written.
- January 2001
- The body module is imported into local CVS. This module
contained many files that found their way into vamos.
- September 2001
- The vamos module is imported into local CVS. The structure of
the code has remained pretty much the same since then.
- October 2001
- The project is moved to SourceForge.
- 0.1.0 - October 2001
- The first public release is made.
- January 2002
- The first Freshmeat announcement is made for version 0.1.8.
- 0.2.0 - April 2002
- Car model is improved.
- 0.3.0 - February 2003
- Tracks are improved.
- 0.4.0 - September 2003
- Configuration files are in place.
- 0.5.0 - June 2004
- Car model is finished.
- 0.6.0 - February 2008
- Tracks are finished, including pit lanes.
- 0.7.0 - January 2012
- Handle multiple cars. Make computer-controlled cars.
- 0.8.0 - February 2014
- Convert main app to Python. Start adding UI
Road Map
Add support for gameplay.
Tie up any important loose ends.
Here are some improvements that I'd like to make.
- Use an external XML parser. I rolled my own, and I'm not unhappy
with it. But I imagine someone else has done it better.
- Use an external AC3D parser. Don't know if one exists.
- Find a better way to read and write XML files. Visitor pattern?
- Turn the wheels into rigid bodies.
- Review the design and architecture.
- Remove hard-coded sound factors.